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On the field Interviews

Meet the Bible translators bringing God's Word to their people in their language.

Read their stories and see how the local church is growing to spiritual maturity through having access to Scripture.

Bible Translation Technology

Times have changed, and so has the way of doing Bible translation.
Learn about the technological tools that are making it possible for Bible translation to be done faster than ever before.

Projects Among Unreached People Groups

unfoldingWord has ongoing projects with church networks around the world. In areas where it is hard for others to go, the church is ready to reach their nations.
Learn how we empower the church in remote areas to translate the Gospel into their language.

How to Pray for the advance of Bible Translation

As part of the global body of believers we get to cover our brothers and sisters in Christ in prayers.

Learn how to do it specifically and the challenges the church faces in different parts of the world.